Taking the Virtual Tour Plunge!

Taking the Virtual Tour Plunge!

Approximately two weeks ago I plunked down at my desk in my office at the local real estate company for whom I was working and sighed deeply. I was tired and it had been a long day. I had been run all over creation doing all sorts of busy work that no one else wanted to do. I had become the Jane of All Trades for the company and I was exhausted.

Over the last year and a half I had gone from the full time in-house virtual tour provider to someone that all of the junk work was dumped on. My salary was measly at best and I wasn’t enjoying anything that I was doing. When I was not busy shooting tours for the brokerage a lot of my time was either idle or doing exactly what I didn’t want to be doing….condo checks, mail runs, filing (oh mercy, who wants to do filing?!) and other assorted monotonous and bland chores. Meanwhile, bound by my contract to only do business with this company, I was turning down calls from other local real estate companies wanting virtual tours in the worst way. The frustration was building.

So there I was, sitting at my desk in the semi dark gloom of my cubby when I decided, “this is it. I’m calling Real Tour Vision” and that’s exactly what I did. And right then and there I began the journey to the plunge!

It didn’t take long talking to one of RTV’s sales reps to know that this was what I wanted to do. He was confident in his product, knowledgeable and above all else, he gave ME the confidence to take this thing head on. We crunched numbers together, worked out a tentative plan, discussed marketing strategies and then he wished me luck. Within a week I had purchased my own equipment and hit the road to do some marketing. Sure, it was scary to give up the stability of a weekly paycheck but already I am thrilled to have my freedom back and to be doing something that I do well and truly love. It’s a pleasure and an honor to represent the best virtual tour company out there and I can confidently walk into any real estate office in this area and be certain to sell at least one tour.

In the last five days I have sold four individual tours and just today I closed a deal with a rental agency for 10 full service tours! This job can be done and more importantly, it can be done by ANYONE who has the drive to go after what they want and the ability to work well with the public. RTV provides unparalleled technical support, sales support and marketing resources. The provider CD that is included in the tour builder kit has a multitude of marketing resources that can really kick start your own virtual tour marketing campaign. And to top it all off, RTV is ALWAYS on the leading edge of technological advances and continuously networking with partner programs that will further enhance this product. RTV has made this process so seamless that’s it’s hard to believe I waited as long as I did to take the plunge!

Midcoast 360
Meghan McLaughlin
Camden Virtual Tour Company
Camden, Maine 04843
A Full Service www.realtourvision.com provider