A Case of Newbie Mistakes

A Case of Newbie Mistakes

Greetings from France!!!

I was so excited when my Real Tour Vision equipment arrived. After getting my nodal point approved from the RTV on staff Lens Engineer I rushed over to Cannes, the next town over, to catch the last day of the Cannes Film Festival. I shot miscellaneous 360 virtual tours around the red carpet area and along the beach & inside the vendor’s section. I was looking forward to using them as my first practice virtual tours.

It wasn’t until after I returned home that I discovered that I had set my camera to the highest resolution…instead of the lowest. My camera is new and automatically resets to the factory defaults every time you change the batteries or turn it off. I was so sad that the festival was over and I thought none of my pans would work in the Real Tour Vision virtual tour software. Thank you so much to the guys and gals in the training department who taught ways to correct that mistake and helped me make that all work out. I now check very carefully before I begin shooting. But it’s nice to know that, at least in some cases, there are options when you make a mistake.

Merci beaucoup !
Michele Ryan
Cote d’Azur, France