A Salute to the Staff and Fellow providers

A Salute to the Staff and Fellow providers

Hello Fellow providers!

My name is Steve Boatwright, my wife Pam and I run a San Jose Virtual Tour Company! (Silicon Valley) We just finished our first virtual tour for a staging company who wanted a before and after to add to their website. We’re please to say everything worked out great and they were very impressed with the quality, service and quick turnaround they received and are looking at placing more tours with us along with other stagers in the area!

Our main reason for writing today is to say “Thank You” to Real Tour Vision for such great support and always being there when we need them. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area there are a lot of people that promise a lot of things to you and never deliver on those promises.

Finding a company like Real Tour Vision with people who actually do what they say and stand behind their product is a breath of fresh air and a rare breed…at least for us. Thank you to all the staff at Real Tour Vision and thank you to the providers we contacted in the beginning that helped us in making our decision to become RTV providers. We look forward to a long and successful relationship with RTV and the amazing group of providers around the globe…best to all of you!

Steve and Pam Boatwright
Virtual Marketing Solutions
San Jose Virtual Tours
Order Virtual Tours – 408-314-3352