Virtual Tours and Professional Home Staging

Virtual Tours and Professional Home Staging

Many virtual tour providers might consider the money being spent on home staging in direct competition with our 360 home tours. However, I have found that a unique partnership can be made between home stagers and virtual tour providers.

Home staging, especially in new construction or vacant homes, goes a long way towards making better looking virtual tours. Four white walls can be very unexciting to say the least. As a virtual tour provider, our job is to create excitement so that the potential homebuyer wants to view the property in person. In sales, we call this getting them in the door. Shooting even a minimally staged home will always look ten times better than an empty one.

Search your area for home staging professionals. You might already be shooting some of their work and not even know it. Approach them by telling them that you will let them use your photos and real estate virtual tours as a way to showcase their work. In return they’ll gladly offer you a list of real estate agents whose homes they have staged.

There’s nothing easier than to call one of your customers or a new one and say, “I hear you’ve just had a listing at 123 Main Street beautifully staged. Have you thought about doing a virtual tour to showcase it?”

Done deal! It’s that simple.

Needless to say, working with other real estate industry professionals in your area and sharing client leads can create great synergy! Not only will it make your virtual tours look better and more visually interesting, it’s also a great way to pick up new clients.

Justin Roberts
Illinois Virtual Tours