Commercial Virtual Tours Market is Hot

Commercial Virtual Tours Market is Hot

There have been several comments on the blog recently about the upswing in commercial business for Real Tour Vision providers. My Evansville Indiana virtual tour company does commercial virtual tours exclusively. Almost every business, from the smallest doctor’s office to the largest corporations have a website and almost all of them lack any kind of pictures, let alone a virtual tour.

The problem is not in doing the actual 360 tour, but meeting the person in charge of the website. You might spend a great deal of time on the phone trying to track down the right person, arrange a meeting, wait for the inevitable “staff meetings to get approval” to occur and finally shooting the virtual tour. Commercial tours are all I do, and I know how frustrating it can be sometimes to have a dozen tours in limbo waiting for approval. The upside is that they pay better, the business will usually give you more autonomy than an individual real estate agent and the referrals are great.

When it comes to virtual tours, no business seems to want to be the first to try it and no business wants to be the last. I did a 360 virtual tour for one doctor’s office, that was seen by another doctor. I did his office and he spoke to another doctor and I just shot that office. These are small five and six scene tours. The same thing is happening to me right now in the apartment complex business.

The point I am trying to make is never give up when working in the commercial virtual tour business. In the business world, “No” doesn’t mean no, it means “Not now.” Keep good records of who you have talked to, and follow-up. Touch base every so often with contacts that initially turned you down. I have picked up two tours recently that I had cold called six months ago, just by calling them and seeing how things were going. You never know when a business will change their mind, especially when a competitor has added a virtual tour to their website.

Also, don’t assume that some businesses wouldn’t be interested in a virtual tour. I cold called an ad I had seen in a local paper for a local horse farm that had a website. (They do wedding carriage rides and also field trips to the farm). The owner answered the phone and in less than thirty seconds said, “That sounds pretty cool. Let’s do it.” If your city has a local magazine or entertainment guide, call everyone with a website in their ad, including attorney and doctors offices.

The business is out there. Get yourself organized and go for it.

Brad Hahn
Evansville Indiana Virtual Tour Company
Order a virtual tour – 812-550-5321