British Columbia Virtual Tours

British Columbia Virtual Tours

Hello from the West Coast of Canada! Well this is Randy from Direct Virtual Galleries in southeastern British Columbia. My wife Sherry and I own Fate Photography and have been in the Photography Biz for over 10 years now. We have started with RTV in Oct 2009 so, considered the newbies we are learning everyday on how to become the best at this new product.

Because we are getting setup to produce Kootenays Virtual Tours and it’s a VERY rural area that we live in, it was a toss up on which way to take this. Some of the Realtors here use this type of product, but not alot. So, we have chosen to first do some tours and focus hospitality, businesses and smaller town city chambers and to pursue whole city virtual tours.

And we have some success with it as well already. Ya!! If you visit our site there are some of the local area Virtual Tours we’ve done. We have now picked up a few Realtors, and more will come as people talk here. The local papers and media have really embraced us doing many great articles for us.

Many great comments so far from clients and supporters. The Virtual Tour product here is very new to people but do believe this will be a great success and a wonderful assets to our community.

After a handful of technical issues, and the great support from Ben Knorr, Jason and all the staff at RTV we are off and running.

Well, That’s my first blog ever. I will get more into it as we continue to build our virtual tour business.

We are here to stay!!!!

Kootenays Virtual Tours