Starting up a Virtual Tour Company

Starting up a Virtual Tour Company

We started our Grand Junction Virtual Tour Company in the summer of 2005, now almost five years ago, and found a quick response to our photography and virtual tour technology. We’ve been full time since then, and added website development to the mix of services to spread the exposure to the real estate market about three years ago.

The timing was good, as our photo and virtual tour business has taken a big hit the last 18 months, due to the economy and realtor’s cash flow. We still have a good core of dedicated clients, but most of the fringe players have gone away.

Bottom line is, how much money do you want to make? Then figure out what you can charge for a competitive product/service. Then it becomes a math calculation, how many projects do you need to do to generate the cash flow you need? And how many prospects do you need to have to get that many ‘yes’s’.

RTV Virtual Tour Software and staff has been great support, adding virtual tour features and technological support to make having our 360 tour business easier and more fun (and profitable). Any business success depends on how hard you are willing to hussle, GO FOR IT!

Marc E Terrien, Owner-President
thin air web & media
Grand Junction Virtual Tours
Order a virtual tour: 888.921.4335