The Community Tour Play

The Community Tour Play

Does your marketing plan involve pro bono tours?  If not, you are losing out on some major sources of advertising that will keep your company in mind from sources that you wouldn’t think of.  Many places that either don’t have a budget or just don’t think of having a virtual tour are ripe for your innovative ideas. has just completed a San Antonio Virtual Tour for the Lighthouse for the Blind in San Antonio. Now, what did this cost me?  A tour credit. What did it get me? I received an indescribable amount of good will and exposure to an unknown number in the community and putting a seed of an idea in hopefully many minds as to the use of Virtual Tours from Alamo Area Virtual Tours.

Now this I consider to be a brilliant move!  Why I didn’t think of this earlier??  RTV has a video about this here. I don’t know, but I’m glad I’m the one that finally did.  I questioned myself, what is the main thrust of my virtual tour business?  Real Estate agents! That is probably true for most of you as well.  And what is the single most unifying force for Realtors in your city?  Well in San Antonio it is SABOR (San Antonio Board of Realtors): .

To back track slightly, I am an affiliate member of SABOR.  If you are not an affiliate member of your local MLS group, you are missing out on an invaluable opportunity. I must admit that I receive more work through being an affiliate member of the MLS group than through my website. Anyway, on to the brilliant move. SABOR, as you will note if you open the link above, has NO VIRTUAL TOUR of their building. It was an opportunity just waiting for Alamo Area Virtual Tours to exploit.  Did I? You bet, just as soon as I woke up that morning after the idea exploded in my head at 3AM.

Virtual Tour Company1Now, what helped me get accepted so easily?  I’ve been involved in SABOR for close to a year, going to town meetings, going to breakfasts, being an exhibitor at the Realtor’s Rally, making my face known and what I do, WEARING my logo shirt EVERYWHERE, wearing my cowboy hat ALL THE TIME, i.e. people, getting BRANDED.  Oh, btw, the virtual tour is a work in progress and will be finished and published by blog #2 of this series.

I want to hear from others how they have jumped out of their box, out of their comfort zone and what they did and gained from it.  Ciao from an independent provider of the RTV virtual tour software system.

James Hoback
L’oeil L’esprit (Mind’s Eye)
Order a virtual tour: (210) 325-2675
‘Let Us Do Our Best To Show Your Best!’