Sometimes They Need a Push…

Sometimes They Need a Push…

In a recent conversation with a potential new virtual tour client I discovered an objection to the use of virtual tours, one I hadn’t come across before. The Realtor in question had never used virtual tours because the ones he was exposed to didn’t do the property justice, in his opinion. He didn’t want to use virtual tours because he didn’t want to tarnish the listing in any way!

A few months later he finally contacted me, with the sudden desire for me to do some virtual tour work for him. Upon asking him what made him change his mind he told me that he had seen one of the tours I did for a mutual client. He said, “I haven’t done tours before because more often than not they don’t do the house justice. When I saw what you did for Denny I was blown away! You turned a really small house into a mansion and your images were amazing!”

Image is important in our line of work and as an RTV full service virtual tour provider I know that what we produce is at the top of the list when it comes to professional virtual tours that are pleasing to the eye. The fact that tours were not an option for this Realtor until he saw a Florida Eye Virtual Tour is absolutely amazing to me and this is a story that is worth sharing again and again as not all virtual tours are the same…

Chris Grumley
Florida Eye Tours, LLC