A Picture is Worth a Thousand Dollars!

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Dollars!

Virtual Tours Marketing Piece1New from RPM Marketing!  They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but us virtual tour providers and savvy real estate marketers know they mean a thousand dollars. 

It’s time to remind both customers and prospects that they could be leaving some precious dollars on the table when they choose to create their own virtual tours or hire anyone other than you!

All three of these unique marketing pieces follow that same theme. You’ll love this variety pack as it contains a postcard, a double sided flyer, and gorgeous looking drive by.  If you’re not sending out postcards and dropping off flyers when you make your whistle stops, you’re missing the boat marketing your virtual tour company. Feel free to run a special on these pieces or remove the special section altogether.

Virtual Tour Brochure1

Login to www.rockpointemarketing.com today and snag these hot new pieces.  Please remember that most of our new RPM marketing pieces will be created using Microsoft Publisher.  Before you edit these pieces please download and install Microsoft Publisher. Enjoy these pieces and please share your success stories with us!


Team RTV

Virtual Tour Software & Professional Hotel Photography
Order a virtual tour: 866-947-8687