The Best Interior Design Trends for Home Staging

The Best Interior Design Trends for Home Staging

Staging a home for sale is a critical part of a successful real estate transaction. The best interior design trends for home staging incorporate the realities of lives permanently changed by the pandemic.

Home Offices

Work from home has become a permanent state of being for many aspiring home buyers. Homes with areas staged as functional yet uncluttered home offices will attract attention. Even if there isn’t a separate room to designate as a home office, staging the home to show multifunctional spaces that include workspaces will be on-trend in 2022.


The desire to be closer to nature, have more open space, and improve indoor air quality has been on the minds of many homebuyers during the pandemic. Including several live plants throughout the home brings a sense of wellness into the space. Using green in furnishings and other accents in the home is also a trend for 2022.


Call it minimalism, Zen, or just open space; this trend will stay relevant in 2022. Uncluttered spaces with natural light, neutral colors, and just a few pieces of décor give a sense of calm that everyone could use more of in stressful times. A burbling water feature with natural pebbles or a glowing pink Himalayan salt mini Zen garden would be enough décor for a Zen-themed space.


Natural materials like wood and fabrics like cotton combined with repurposed or reused vintage items send a message that sustainability matters in home design. Homebuyers appreciate the warmth of natural fibers and fabrics.

Trends come and go, but the best interior design trends for home staging attend to the fundamentals of home staging. The idea is to allow the prospective buyer to imagine themself living in the space. This is true of virtual home staging as well. The staging should leave enough “breathing room” in the home to allow those viewing it to picture their furniture in the room, their artworks on the walls, and their family around a dinner table.

Jason & Team RTV
