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Additional Services

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The Additional Services section has options for different add-ons you can use for your tour:

New Tours Additional Services 867X1536 1


AstroZooms are short (~:50 seconds) videos that show a fly-in from space, down to and around the area, and finally zoom in close to the property itself. You can also choose to add property lines for a small upcharge ($5 base). Here is an example of an AstroZoom with property lines added:

To order, double check Tour Title, verify location, choose any options, check Location Confirmed, and then Order:

Tours Astrozoom2 E1612466246489

Virtual Staging

RTV offers very competitive full-service staging, click here for details –

Custom Domains

Custom Domains allow you to purchase a domain that’s specific to your property, for example,, and have that go either to the virtual tour, the FusionSite, or a custom URL that can be anything:

Publish to Google

Google Street View | Trusted Tours can be found in Google Search Results, Google Maps, and Google + and are optimized to work with all internet devices mobile and static. Google Tours help entice potential customers by appearing high in the search engine rankings and allowing them to virtually walk through your business from the convenience of their smart device or home computer. RTV is a Google Trusted Agency, and offers moderation service to our photographers, where you can upload your panos to us and we’ll get them published on Google. Here is an example of a Google Street View tour done by RTV, and here is a link to the ordering page.

3D VR Headset Tour

If you have spherical panoramas on your tour, you can order a VR tour that can be linked to from within the regular tour. Clicking the link under Additional Services will take you to the order form here. To see an example of a tour with a VR tour attached, click here (click goggles icon in lower left corner of tour).

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