RTV Announces Acquisition of Rock Pointe Marketing!!

Rtv Announces Acquisition Of Rock Pointe MarketingWe are excited to announce the acquisition of our former marketing partner, Rock Pointe Marketing. In addition to the acquisition, former owner Cheryl Waller has joined the team to head-up our new in-house marketing and training department. Cheryl brings her experience in internet marketing, website design, search engine optimization, copy writing, corporate training, business ownership and the virtual tour industry. She will work with closely with RTV virtual tour providers and business owners in the designing and implementation of their own strategic marketing plans on local marketplace levels worldwide.

She will also head up the creation of training webinars designed to coach our virtual tour providers on how to train their clients and customers in internet marketing. The addition of the marketing and training department will enable RTV to be the first in the virtual tour industry to offer individualized marketing support and training to business owners and real estate agents across the globe.

Read full story here in our Virtual Tour Company Blog!